Personality Test


Welcome to your Personality Test

Best of luck in with these Emotional Intelligence Questions and remember to answer TRUTHFULLY to obtain an accurate score 🙂

While there are some things I want to change, I generally like who I am.

I feel uncomfortable in emotionally charged situations.

I tend to avoid confrontations, when I am involved in a conflict I become extremely anxious.

I am aloof and detached until I get to know someone.

I overreact to minor problems.

I am a good judge of character.

I am relaxed and composed under pressure.

I can't focus and get lost in unimportant details and procrastinate.

I admit to making mistakes without being ashamed.

I can see and recognize other people's emotions, moods and feelings.

I can receive feedback or accept criticism without becoming defensive.

I don't know how to calm myself when I get angry or upset.

I can assertively and honestly communicate my needs and feelings.

I can recover quickly from a setback or a mistake.

I am aware of how my words and actions impacts others.

I listen attentively without jumping to conclusions.

I get angry when I am verbally attacked.

When I make mistakes, I often berate and criticize myself and my abilities.

I adjust my behavior depending on who I interact with (e.g. calm with a child, professional with a teacher and loving with my parent etc.)

I tend to postpone or avoid touchy topics.

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